
Countertop Support Tips

Things to keep in mind before installing your countertops.


  1. The maximum allowable overhang is no more than 1/3 of the depth of the countertop and not to exceed 15” total. For granite and marble countertop options, 12” inches would be the maximum while Quartz is 15”.

2. Overhangs greater than 15” require the installation of corbels. Corbels must be designed to support the weight of the countertop and be mounted to studs or an equivalent load bearing structure. Corbels can support no more than 24” of overhang and must be spaced no more than 36” apart.

3. Overhangs that exceed 24” requires the use of substrate and posts installed evenly spaced at a maximum of 36” apart.

4. Tops on half walls can be installed using steel supports (supplied by K&D) with overhangs up to 12”. Overhangs greater than 12” will require corbels or legs.

5. Tabletop applications require the use of a full substrate which extends within 4” from the edge of the table top. The manufacturer’s specification for the pedestal must be checked to verify it is designed to support the size and weight of the table top.

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